Yoni Steam – a kiss of warmth and love for your Yoni.
Divine Yoni steaming is an ancient practice used to cleanse, nourish and heal the female organs.
Various forms of steaming have been used throughout Africa for centuries. Yoni steaming has been practiced to keep the womb healthy after birth, to flush toxins out of the yoni and womb and to bless the yoni during special ceremonies.
My Divine Yoni Steam session is a warm fragrant blessing for your yoni. This special space was created to support women to come home to their bodies. Trauma disconnects us from our core self. Many of us exist in this way without fully saying Yes to the life we are living. This deeply healing session has been designed to support you to come into your body in a gentle and love filled way. Guided by my intuitive wisdom, I support you using a variety of tools – emotional, somatic, energetic and sound healing modalities. You remain covered during your session while sitting on a specially crafted Yoni steam chair, covered by a long flowing cotton cloak to further support you to feel safe and held. My space is infused with the love frequency of the divine feminine and held in this way allows for mystical healing to unfold that is beyond logical understanding.
This sessions is not a counselling – talking session, though we have a short space for sharing. This is an in the body experience.
This session is for you if you have experienced any yoni – vulva trauma:
- Rape, energetic penetration, psychic penetration, self harm, incest, female genital cutting and ……
- And to support you if you have any medical condition Yoni dis – ease.
My Yoni steam sessions are offered in South Africa, Egypt and in the UK.
How Yoni Steaming works
I harvest and dry special medicines for yoni steaming and I have been taught in the feminine mystery traditions of my Elders.These medicines are from natures pharmacy herself and have medicinal properties. They are placed in hot water and their healing properties are released through the steam. The moisture carries the medicines to your yoni and she opens to receive the healing properties.
These tissues are very porous and absorbent, and the bloodstream picks up the volatile oils then carries them into the inner reproductive system, including the uterus. Thus the herbal steam increases circulation, thins the mucus and revitalises the entire system, allowing it to shed unnecessary membranes and build-up. The result is a healthier, more pleasant cycle and a more connected woman.
The time of our separation from our divine yoni’s – our beautiful vulva’s is over.We are living in the time of connection with her, curiosity about her and a deep longing to merge our sexuality with our spiritualityThe old myths are no longer valid as we reclaim our human and sexual rights.
Divine Yoni steam sessions are shaped to support energetic, physical and emotional releasing while leaving you feeling nourished and supported.
Alchemical yoni healing sessions are best in person and somatic healing can safely be explored online. A combination of the two make good companions for you.
Benefits of Yoni Steaming
- Supportive and healing for sexual trauma survivors.
- Helps us to thaw from numbness and disconnection.
- Beneficial as part of a treatment plan for uterine fibroids and prolapse as well as for ovarian cysts.
- Clearing the energy of sexual partners.
- Preparing for conception.
- Part of Rites of passage healing rituals.
- Detoxify your womb and vagina.
- Treats chronic vaginal and yeast infections.
- Works to maintain healthy odour.
- Decrease clotting at the onset and end of menses.
- Increases fertility when combined with Mizan Abdominal Massage.
- Considerably reduces pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation.
- Releases trauma held in the yoni and womb.
- Connects us to our creativity.
Yoni Steam Healing Session – R750 (90 mins) – (USD 60)